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There are as many ways to good health as there are people in this world,
but one thing's for sure--there are no "Magic Pills".

Good health is nothing more than the ability to reconnect with your body,
and realize there are no short-cuts.

This fact, however, does not necessarily mean you're doomed
to a life filled with "inconvenience".

You will not have to channel your great-grandmother's enthusiasm
for ripping potatoes out of the ground with your bare hands,
and spending days peeling and canning for the winter months.
Nor is there need for fencing in the back yard for cows and chickens
to roam free--much to the chagrin of your homeowner's association.

There is but one formula--which will appear "magical" once done with some consistency--that can change poor health and disease into physical energy, mental clarity and freedom from illness well past your youth (when you could burn multiple candles at both ends without consequense).

This formula is so laughably simple, so seemingly common-sense, yet so rarely practiced in today's bio-engineered world filled with pollutants, toxic materials, and pharmaceutical companies with pockets so deep they could
easily convince every single one of us we are doomed to instantaneous death
unless we pop another pill.

The formula is nothing more, nothing less, than Going Back To Basics.

Eat food that is as natural as possible
Drink water that is as clean and flouride free as possible
Take as few pharmaceutical drugs as possible
Make sure your vitamins and supplements are natural, rather than synthetic
Move your body. Regularly
Practice Prevention, rather than knee-jerk pill-popping as
your form of personal healthcare

I find it fascinating that 8 out of 10 of the medical doctors I encountered during my fling with paralysis admitted to using acupuncture and Chinese medicine as preventative healthcare--going in for monthly tune-ups--for themselves.
 "Do you recommend it to your patients?" I asked.
"Not unless they ask," was the most common answer...

Nothing beats prevention. Period.

People often tell me they'll give me a call "when they get sick".
I'm sorry, but why wait until you are sick to drag yourself out of bed to seek health? You can just avoid getting sick in the first place, with a simple,
monthly "tune-up" to make sure your body is in-tune and in harmony!

A monthly (or even bi-weekly) tune-up could very well be the cheapest thing you'll ever do for your long-term health and well being.

If you feel great now--how long do you want to hold on to that magical feeling?
If you don't feel great--what's keeping you?

Benjamin T. McCluske, AP

(407) 672-0912
213 S. Dillard Street. Suite 110 F, Winter Garden, FL 34787

Feel the Qi!

The best way to understand Qi (also spelled ch'i, or ki, pronounced chee)
is to experience it for yourself, and the easiest way is by
experimenting with this simple hand technique.
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